Friday, February 5, 2010

How Long Do You Have Before You Die Of Bone Cancer My Partner Recently Passed Away From Stage 4 Large B Cell Lymphoma. How Long Could He Have Had It?

My partner recently passed away from Stage 4 Large B Cell Lymphoma. How long could he have had it? - how long do you have before you die of bone cancer

In August 2004 have increased the ankle and was black and blue. There was a strong smell of feet and Flatulation. The doctor Congetive focused on heart failure, but it was not clear. Nothing has happened, not even an antibiotic. In November 3, 2006, he went for a routine to feel weak. They found his blood count and white below. As of 3 December had not been on kidney, liver, his blood became toxic and attacked his brain. Dr. complaints bone marrow biopsy that the cancer itself consumes 80% of his body. I do not see how a healthy 49 years old man to go to a hospital 30 days later and went with a grave prognosis when was the swollen ankles, the first warning and the doctor checked it before. He never had a chance to chemotherapy before dying begin. Someone out there knows how long it takes to be that Hodgkin's devastating to your body?


aliyah said...

Oh, dear ... I'm sorry that you have a beloved losted! Something happens to many ...... Sorry, I have no answer to your question, but God be with you during this difficult time.God PPL will be speed.

happydaw... said...

Sorry to hear that he lost his partner.
Lymhoma B cells is very aggressive and can sometimes take control and destroy the human body, even before knowing what you were affected.
I have tried in patients with B-cell lymphoma, and always the fear of the diagnosis, because it seems very difficult to achieve remission, or the points whose stay in remission for a long time.
He is very aggressive and resistant to treatment.
Blessing to you and sorry for your loss

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